For All Forever

UnPoison is a civil society movement made up of concerned citizens, educational institutions, and multi-sector organisations that are united behind the common goals of effecting legislative reform of agrichemical policy, ensuring effective regulation and monitoring of agrichemical use, transparent registration processes and access to product information, freeing the agricultural sector from industry capture, and ensuring a healthy, clean, just, and safe South Africa for all of us. Forever. 

Registered Agrichemical Products

when agrichemical policy was written

Highly Hazardous Pesticides Legal in SA

Highly Hazardous Pesticides Banned in EU still legal in SA

Constitutional Rights breached

Our Vision


UnPoison holds a vision for South Africa of an agricultural sector that produces vital, nutrient dense, non-toxic food to build strong immune systems as the corner stone of our national health; that creates a healthy environment for farmers, farmworkers and residents in areas surrounding farmlands; that supports small holder farmers wanting grow food using unpatented seed and safe inputs; that reduces the input costs for farmers to run self-sufficient, profitable farms free of debt; that builds microbial soil life, increases humus levels and topsoil production for South Africa’s future generations to inherit more arable land than we currently have; that sequesters carbon and alters micro-climates to help mitigate climate change; that does not deplete the soil, pollute waterways, land, or air; that regenerates ecosystems and increases biodiversity; that works with Nature, not against her. 


UnPoison is currently unfunded and does high impact policy work, research, and convenes a powerful multi-sector network of experts, NGOs, and academic institutions. Donate now to ensure we can continue to make the changes South Africa needs. 

Our Mission

UnPoison is committed to realising our vision for a clean, safe, fair, healthy, climate-change resilient, food secure South Africa in the following ways:


Engage with stakeholders across sectors to share knowledge and align with other initiatives.


An overhaul of the legislative framework; registration of safe alternatives; effective regulating & monitoring of agrichemicals.


Research the usage and impacts of agrichemicals, as well as information on safe alternatives.


Empower those affected by unsafe exposure with information and support to change or tools for recourse.


Support aligned initiatives, and farmers wanting to transition away from agrichemicals.


Develop public awareness campaigns and inspire activities that mobilise support for safe and fair industry practices.


Provide info on risks, impacts, safety, alternatives, and our constitutional rights.


The the use of Highly Hazardous Pesticides, double standards, and the systematic breach of constitutional rights.

Our Work



UnPoison’s Comment on Draft Regulations Relating to Agrochemicals, the FFFAR Act. Act 36 of 1947



UnPoison’s Request to Minister of Employment and Labour to Withdraw Draft HCA Regulations



UnPoison Comment on Draft Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Agents to Department of Employment and Labour



UnPoison Meets with UN Special Rapporteur For Human Rights and Toxics

On 7th and 8th August 2023 members of the Unpoison network met the Special Rapporteur to unpack all the issues regarding pesticides and agrochemicals that need to be addressed. The UnPoison network welcomed the preliminary findings by The Special Rapporteur in his address to Government on 12th August where he called for urgent action to address these critical issues that cause harm, injustice, and inequality. 



UnPoison Highly Hazardous Phase Out Letter to Registrar of Act 36 of 1947

On 8th December 2022 UnPoison submitted a legal letter to the Registrar of Act 36 pointing out deficiencies in his earlier notice of April 2022 stating his intention to phase out CMR group 1a and 1b chemicals under the GHS classification. Importantly, that there was no mention of the WHO 1a and 1b group of chemicals (identified globally as the most hazardous class),  no public participation process, and no details on how the chemicals would be selected and prioritised for phase out, and no plan for how the chemicals would be phased out and disposed of.



UnPoison Comment on Draft Regulation to Domesticate Requirements of Rotterdam Convention

On 3rd Aug 2022 UnPoison commented on the draft regulations and found the decision-making criteria to allow or refuse the import/ export or transit of hazardous chemicals entirely deficient. What’s more is that the authority of DFFE to act in alignment with section 24 of the Constitution is completely undermined by DALRRD as many Highly Hazardous Pesticides banned elsewhere in the world are legally registered for use in SA.



UnPoison Comment on The Climate Bill

On 27th May 2022 UnPoison commented on the Climate Bill with particular reference to the agricultural sector which is both vulnerable to, and a significant contributor to carbon emissions and climate change. Agriculture also holds the key to incredible sequestration opportunities.



UnPoison Comment on Proposed NEMA Changes

On 31st January 2022 UnPoison submitted a legal comment to DFFE on proposed changes to section 24H highlighting potential violations of our fundamental constitutional rights.



UnPoison Comment on Draft Regulation

On 21st Aug 2021 UnPoison submitted a legal comment to DALRRD via the registrar highlighting the constitutional violation of the draft legislation that should not be permitted to be passed.



Repeal of Colonial and Apartheid Legislation

On 3rd  June 2021 UnPoison responded to the Department of Justice seeking to dismantle laws that perpetuate the legacy of  Apartheid. The Submission on Act 36 of 1947, now 74 years old does not take account of various elements in the Bill of Rights and no amount of amending can make it fit for purpose in a democratic South Africa.



Spray Drift in South Africa

This paper by SAOSO and GMO & Poison-free Zones highlights the duty of legislators to enforce bufferzones and other reasonable measures.



Chemical Remedies Submission on Law Reform

This legal submission was made to government requesting a process of law reform of Act 36 of 1947 which is outdated, fragmented, and systematically violates our constitutional rights.

UnPoison in the Media

Learn more about the some of the issues UnPoison is tackling as brought to light via the media.

Sunday Times 14 May Green Issue
Sunday Times 14 May Green Issue
Sunday Times 14 May Green Issue
Sunday Times 14 May Green Issue
Sunday Times 14 May Green Issue
Sunday Times 14 May Green Issue
Sunday Times 14 May Green Issue

UnPoison Webinars

UnPoison facilitates information sharing webinars for public benefit covering the full spectrum of agrichemical impacts with the broadest range of stakeholder participants.

Members & Supporters

Stories, Statistics, and Resources

Learn more about agrochemicals and pesticides, how they affect people on the ground, our health, our environments, and the statistics and hidden costs of chemical farming.

Other Uses of Agrichemicals


Used domestically in homes and gardens, paints, and handwashes.


For insect control on aeroplanes, and on the hulls of ships to prevent barnacles.


For foot-and-mouth disease.


For malaria prevention.



In veterinary applications for animals.


Used to clear alien vegetation, roadsides, and on treated timber.


In public spaces, parks, grounds, sports fields and golf courses.


As pest control in hotels and hospitality institutions.



Sold by street traders in the informal market for pest control in townships.



Join The Movement